Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Day Seven and the "Green Machine" Set!

... Did anyone else find the Top Chef reunion special as amusing as I did? 

Anyway, I can't believe it's been a full week of making earrings! Every day that I do this, it gets easier and easier... today's project matches a necklace,designed a while back, and actually sold at market three weeks ago! It got a lot of attention, and sold the very first day it was on the table, so I made it again-- this time with a pair of earrings to match!

I like to think of this set as "The Green Machine"!

These earrings contain two stones-- bright green agate, marbleized with darker tones of green and shades of brown, and round green jade. Large enough to make a statement, small enough to not make *too* large of a statement. They were made to match this specific necklace, which has a large "yellow" turquoise stone as the center focal. Yellow "turquoise" always intrigues me, since it comes in a wide array of colors, not all of which are actually yellow! Despite being part of a matched set, these earrings also coordinate with other pieces:

If these earrings were students, they would be rated positively for "plays well with others"~!

I like to "test" my earrings out whenever possible, to make sure they stay put. These are the same earrings, with a different necklace from my jewelry collection, out and about in their public debut. Don't they look lovely? I like the earrings, but Hubby would say that he thinks their model is much prettier.

Anyway, these earrings passed muster... they were worn to Hubby's church, for a Lent reflection/bible study/prayer group/dinner party. All in all, a successful evening!

Day Seven-- VICTORY!!!

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